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Vision / Mission / Objectives


To provide support and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims across Canada, while actively working towards eliminating the immense loss to our society caused by murder, thereby creating a safer Canada.


To provide on-going emotional support, education and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims in the aftermath of murder, while promoting public awareness and education of all Canadians.


To offer unique support to distressed parents and other persons who have experienced the death by homicide of a son or daughter or other persons (family and friends of those who have died by homicide); provide contact with similarly bereaved parents or other persons; provide information about the grieving process specific to survivors of homicide victims; provide information about the criminal justice system as it pertains to survivors of a victim of homicide; communicate with and provide information to interested professionals in the field of mental health, social work, community services, law enforcement, criminal justice, education, medicine, religion, law, funeral services, and other areas, about the problems faced by the survivors of a victim of homicide; educate society at large to the challenges faced by the survivors of a victim of homicide, and foster awareness of such challenges.